Another Radio Interview this afternoon
Just letting you all know that I am to be interviewed <strong>this afternoon</strong> on a local radio station. The interview will start at 5pm Sydney time (which as best I can work out is 7am GMT/UTC or 3am EST - hmm maybe the odd night owl will be up).<br /><br />I will be taking some CDs which will include some mixposure collabs I've been involved in and will probably be doing a couple of live acoustic originals as well. It will go for an hour and from past experience is likely to have some wacky moments. So if you happen to be sleep deprived and need a remedy for insomnia click in and have a listen.<br /><br />Unfortunately there is no chat room or forum on the station's site.<br /><br />The url for the site is <a href="http://www.skidrow.com.au/">http://www.skidrow.com.au/</a> and just click on the "Click Here To Connect" button to stream.<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian<br /><br />
if you can get the clip Brian we can feature it on the site. Thanks so much for promoting Mixposure and the all of the artists you mentioned.
Way to go Brian!
Can you get a copy of the show to post?
I`m glad you had a great time Brian..
peace n love Mags
Congrats',,,,Brian !! You deserve MORE recognition !!!
all the best,
Wonderful, Brian! I am so happy for you. Glad this interview turned out to be really good. So how many folks in and around Sydney do you think heard this show?
Congrats, Brian
Hi Dazed, I asked my clerk at work to press record on my tape deck in my office and she assures me she did, so there will be a cassette version. I think last time I played the cassette through a walkman using a headphone jack and then a 1/4" jack into my 8 track. Probably a lot of loss of quality in audio. I'm a technical luddite so if anyone has any bright ideas on how to digitalise it I'd love to know.
I know that the station could probably provide me with a copy, but i think that if you talk to Gina who heard the interview, you'll realise that that is probably not a realistic option. For all its faults though the show has been a huge supporter of my music. I did my first interview there in about 2006 after I released my NIC CD. They have continued to play tracks from it since then, plus some of the collabs that I gave them at the first interview. And they love you to promote. I was given a stack of time to promote our local songwriting society's upcoming gigs, my upcoming gigs, mixposure as a site, mixposure as a place for listeners to join and download a lot of material for free, mixposure as a place to collaborate. I was able to get in plugs for Lex Z, KED, perform 4 songs live (including 2 Lex collabs), and have TJ play my KED collab from the Cd. I'd be surprised if they don't play a couple of other tracks from the CD I took yesterday in coming weeks.
So, I will try to convert the tape to mp3 and get it to you Todd. It's great that the show is now streaming as it was so lovely to get home and find that Gina had been listening and that she'd provided a running commentary.
Gina, you deserve a medal for service above and beyond the call of duty. I think I did warn that it might get a bit wacky. Actually, though, although I understand your comments about TJ, she's a darling and is actually a reformed addict. She runs the show to promote a theatre group for young girls in trouble with the law to get them out of the drugs/crime spiral.
Thanks for taking the time to have a listen. I've done TJ's show three times in the past. They give my music a lot of airplay and it's fun to play live in the station. I'm really pleased she played the KED collab.
And Mags, as you might have gathered from Gina's review of what was oing on, there's no point having a plan. I had a CD (they have three of mine which they regularly play) and an acoustic guitar and no idea what was going to happen. It was great fun.
man did we get that wrong.. gina stayed up most of the night and it was morning here? we could have tuned in! dang it we thought it was tonight..
thanks for the live reporting G.. from the front lines.. brian sounds like it sounded fine.. cheers mate..
yeah brother.. rock them folks.. !!
Hi Brian,
peace n love mags