Back From Vietnam
<p>Have just returned from Vietnam, having studiously avoided the place in the late 60's early 70's for reasons that will be obvious.</p><p>Started writing a song over there dedicated to the cyclos and motor-cycle taxis who incessantly demand "one hour, one hour". The song took a twist on the last night there, but I won't repeat what I've already included in the song information.</p><p>It's cheesy, but hopefully fun. Planning to tidy up the vocals a little next time in the studio, but don't plan on adding much else. Had thought of adding some ac or elec piano but tend to think it's better kept simple. Same with harmonies. If you disagree or have some other ideas, don't be bashful, let me know.</p><p>Good to be back.</p><p> </p><p>Cheers</p><p>Brian</p>
Great to see and hear you....all the best,
Hey Brian! Welcome back. Was wondering where you were lol. Good having you back in these parts