Self Tort at The Basement, Sydney
I've just been told that I've been booked to perform a set at the Basement, which is the premier music venue in Sydney.<br /><br />For those Aussies out there who might be interested in turning up, it's on <strong>Monday 16 February, 2008</strong>. It's an acoustic night and I will be doing a 1/2 hour acoustic set of original material. There will be about another 6-7 artists on the bill. <br /><br />The Basement started in the 1970s as predominantly a jazz venue and it has hosted some of the really great artists from Australia and overseas. <br /><br />The beauty of the gig for me is twofold. It will give me the chance to hopefully draw a good crowd of people who won't travel to my normal gigs.<br /><br />More importantly, I'm told that the venue has a great sound system and that I will be given a CD and video of my performance, which, unless I stuff it up, should be great from a PR point of view.<br /><br />Anyway, the news hit me with the same effect as I imagine having sex with Elle McPherson might have on one. Not much point it happening unless you can tell someone about it. So I thought I'd share.<br /><br />It would be great for any Aussies on the site who may be in Sydney on the night to turn up and say hello.<br /><br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />Brian
Great news selftort. I wish I was down there to see the show. You've always been a great asset to the mix, both old a new. Be sure to post your video when you get it, and as you apparently say down there... don't stuff it up, and maybe you'll get laid.
Congrats............... Brian !!!!!
Hey Pete
Your corroboration has increased my mixpo cred, man....lol
Mate if you can wangle it, it would be great to catch up with you. I can send you some chord charts if you happen to have a guitar with you. But then again, you probably don't need charts for my stuff.
aww..very nice! I KNOW you will do well!! I look forward to hearing the outcome! Congrates B , (gotta dance like there's nobody watchin!) woooo!
Great booking Brian! I just googled The Basement, very impressive, with a list of former performers like Herbie Hancock, Keith Urban, Taj Mahal and many more well known names to it's credit. But now it's Mix's own Self Tort! I'm happy for you and know you'll do well. I hope you post up the video when you get it and good luck when the gig gets here! BTW, have you made your song list yet?
Brian, this is wonderful news for you. I am SO excited, you really do deserve this, and I know that if I had the airmiles saved up I would be there to listen to you in a flash!!! (Oh for a lottery win). Brilliant and well done you. Cheers Beers! x Melsi
Great News BRIAN!!!!!!! kick **** and take names ...
Im sure you will fare well my friend.
Good luck and keep us posted