Self Tort
Best Man - Old Track/New Post
<p>I haven't had as much time as I would like to spend in here since I joined, but I'd like to thank everyone who has been in touch with me and my music.</p><p>Things should be settling down a bit in coming weeks. I've done a bit of reviewing this afternoon and will hopefully catch up on any responses and return reviews in the next day or so.</p><p>I have just uploaded a new track on the site, although, it will be known to a number of mixposure members. It's "Best Man" the first track from my debut CD, "N.I.C". Over coming weeks I'll be posting a combination of tracks from the CD and other tracks that had been posted at mixposure, together with some new stuff.</p><p>Cheers</p><p>Brian</p>
enjoyed your cd on nexus radio!!! keep up the great work brian! mark
Aaah.... how you doing man hope all is well. I am finally getting a hang of this site and hopefully I will have the time to pop in a little more regularly.
kind regards Patrick
Hey Brain, nice to see you here and thankks for the welcome. Still trying to lear the site so posting here. Much appreicate your comments an want to do more with you in the future, apache 2006 was good, thanks to you. You can always reach me at ratmanmusic.com by email. thanks bro. the ratman!