Self Tort
New Track "Come on By"
This is very much a change of pace for me. It's very mellow and has a fairly country feel to it. The story behind it is in the info section if you're interested. It's very much a "lyric-based" song. Unfortunately, in terms of pitching it's too long, but blowed if I can work out how to shorten if.
For me to take the time to listen more than once it has to really hold me and this one does. It's a great story and delivered with real tenderness and grace. Damn! It's so good I wish I had written it...lol. That's as high praise as I'm able to give anything. This is outstanding writing, production, vocal, and feel. Made my evening I'm sure.
Hi mate,
Over here we have a non-alcoholic drink called "Claytons". It's sort of a cola-tonic. It was advertised in the 70's with a catch phrase of "the drink you're having when you're not having a drink"
Your blog comments put me in mind of that. Really appreciate that you are prepared to pass on your comments, mate, even though I understand your "non-review" policy. I think that qualifies me as a "good friend" and hope you know it's reciprocated.
As you would probably know Alexis has had some great myspace charting results, which is well deserved and wonderful for him.
Had a very lazy day today. Despite my age I still play soccer. The problem is that I get to work and can't do anything on Mondays.
By the way, A Paris Tale is getting a bit of airplay at songplanet. Quite a few of the DJs have taken it on board an it was no 3 in most played over last 7 days or whatever that chart is.
Cheers mate. Hope to catch you in RSC. Sorry I was incommunicado on Wiz's/Matty's/RSC's show this morning. I was trying to work....actually trying to tidy up my room so that I could work and couldn't get onto the chat much. I should check out of chat when I do that because people might be talking to me when I can't read what they're saying.
Off to bed (me, not you)