Self Tort
Kids' Songs
<p>I thought I'd upload a song I wrote when my kids were in Primary School. At the time I had the idea of a "Rock Opera" for kids but only got as far as three songs. The first one's "I Hate Homework" which is pretty much every kids' mantra. I posted under "Humour" only because I couldn't find a "Childrens" genre.</p>
added Childrens Genre. If you guys do not see something, just ask
It was a really enjoyable listen Brian...
Peace n love
Mags xx
I know you were not complaining B
Thanks Dazed. I wasn't complaining. When I posted my kids tracks at mixposure I got lumbered with the job of moderating that genre, and to be honest it didn't get a lot of response from people. But it's still nice to have. Thanks again
If memory serves me correct...
Didn't you have a "Childrens song" genre corner elsewhere?
Good idea IMHO.
Very well done Mr B ! It's a lot harder to write for children...WAY harder!