
The stray dog we rescued. Happy ending story !

Category: Animals
Duration: 00:04:17
Bruno.We do not know for certain what his story is or how he ended up on the streets. But we do know from his eyes that his story contains the whole drama of any abandoned, forgotten, unseen dog. When we found him he was shivering...not because he felt cold, but because he was afraid...afraid of the people who dumped him there, of the people who forced him to carry all the sins of a world that did not want him.
Hit at one paw and starving, he hid behind some garages. He soon understood that we wouldn't hurt him and allowed us to help him. We gave him food and water, trying at the same time to find him a home. But nobody wanted him. Moreover, Romania was in the euthanasia delirium, claiming mass murder of stray dogs. Any moment could be also the last for him. He wasn't safe anymore, being hunted and chased away by people who believed that the euthanasia law gave them the power and right to kill animals. In a country thirsty for blood...adoption became just an illusion. So we took the poor dog and placed him into an animal pension house where a vet also took care of him.
Now, we found a place for our family, alongside other souls that others had callously abandoned.
Thanks to Bruno, today is a more beautiful day than yesterday. Bruno gave us a happiness that the ones who had abandoned him would never feel anymore, and the ones that haven't adopted a dog would never understand.
Other details:
Music CC by Zero Project


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