Shawn Adam Williams
Shawn Adam Williams
Shawn Adam Williams

Delta Breeze (A Tribute To Carlos Capote and Tom Gray)

album: Deep Within (Single)
genre: Blues
streams: 33
creation date: 2021-11-19

  Song Lyrics
Verse: Baby, can you feel that Delta breeze Baby, can you feel that Delta breeze I’m in love with you, baby, set your mind at ease Verse: The breeze will...
  Song Information
Dedicated to the memory of two blues giants from my hometown in Atlanta; Carlos Capote of the Breeze Kings (1972-2021) and Tom Gray of Delta Moon (1951-2021)
Delta Breeze (A Tribute To Carlos Capote and Tom Gray)
11/20/21 03:23:46PM @shawn-adam-williams:
The Gigglefits:
So loving this one Shawn will be spinning this one tonight #DjTonyCpickhit
Thank you Tony and Regina! Spread the word!

Melani Cholie
11/20/21 09:29:21AM @melani-cholie:
very nice!


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