A simple song about a loney fish. The only blue fishie in the whole school and nobody seems to notice them. But, that fish has great hair
All vocal loops were made by yours truly. The other loops were freshly caught on Looperman.
Vocal Loops (What I am saying)
I am the loneliest fish in the sea
I am the loneliest fish in the sea
I am the loneliest fish in the sea
But I have great hair....
The vocal loop is me singing, and there are two other vocal loops going in the back ground.
One is me singing:
Down down deep deep in the sea serpent's ke-ep
I tumble down slow-ly, the abyss be-low me
(Made that one up myself during English Class)
The next vocal loop is me singing another poem I made up, (Also made up during English Class):
Dark Dark, Light Light, Everything will be al-right
No company to set me free
Here and the sea serpent's keep
Here in the utterly deep
Bubbles of excitment with this piece. Very trippy with a deep sense of lovely hair floating in the ocean submerged in deligtful sound. Cosmic if one listens to the intent meant within the length.