Something PiCaSo
Something PiCaSo
Something PiCaSo

Francis (The Pork Chop Selling Pig)

album: Francis (The Pork Chop Selling Pig)
genre: Rock
streams: 12
creation date: 2023-07-16

  Song Information
It is the story of a runaway pig who finds success and celebrity working the counter at a local deli shop. We like to think of it as a 2nd cousin once...
Francis (The Pork Chop Selling Pig)
Something PiCaSo
07/16/23 07:19:23PM @something-picaso:
Rob Grant:
The name caught my eye...Had to isten. Got the Boris the Spider vibe:-) Interesting subject to write about,,,loved the effects and the guitar solo.

Hey Rob - Thank you so much for the listen and comments.

Rob Grant
07/16/23 07:15:45PM @rob-grant:
The name caught my eye...Had to isten. Got the Boris the Spider vibe:-) Interesting subject to write about,,,loved the effects and the guitar solo.


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