
Moved on, so long!

user image 2008-01-21
By: Jonesey
Posted in:

This is the working title of the song we're currently working on.

All the instrumentation is layed down, and about two-thirds of the vocals.

Tonight I'm working on the vocals that have already been recorded, tidying them up a bit and getting them in balance with the rest of the sounds.

Should be ready in about a week or two

Slow progress.

Struggling with the last section of lyrics - but we'll get there.

Also, having subjected the song to many in-depth careful listenings, decided some of it needs re-orchestrating and have added some extra guitar tracks.

Give it another 2 weeks and we might be there!!!

03/03/08 06:44:06AM @soundwell:
Ok - new song is as finished as it can be - tried uploading it Saturday night at on playback realised it was TOTALLY distorted.

Tried today with a different MP3 algorithm and it seems ok, but it's no substitute for listening to the WAV.

02/17/08 02:39:51PM @soundwell:
Slow progress.

Still struggling with the final section of lyrics.

Also having listened to it, almost bar-by-bar decided some of it needs re-orchestrating and have also added more guitar tracks.

Hey! Whoever said this stuff was easy??????????????????

01/23/08 12:47:32PM @soundwell:
Massaged some of the vocals last night - they seem to be sitting fairly nicely.
Now all I need is for Lyn to return from a week long court case and we can get the last verse written/recorded!

01/22/08 07:47:26PM @pyramis:
Ah go ahead,scare him if you want to,it'a a free world !
Besides,he's a big boy,and should be able to handle a little fright every now and then....... :)


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