Southern Solstice
Southern Solstice


album: The Playroom
genre: Ballad
streams: 133
creation date: 2012-04-06

Lyrical Princess
02/23/15 04:50:10PM @lyrical-princess:
Wow!! What can I say that everyone else hasn't already said ? Aha.. I've got it..The melody. It's very catchy & I love that! There is nothing less than "Amazing", happening in this song. You've all done such a Wonderful job. You should all be very proud of yourselves. I have really enjoyed my listen & I will be back... 5*****+ Thank you for the D/L :)

All The Best,

04/12/12 07:40:23PM @john-frederick:
Music and words are very nicely done acoustic and voice blend very well good job guys
04/11/12 07:49:43AM @dazed:
I have been playing this song continually through the week and I must say it is superb. Great lyrics and delivery. Well done indeed!
04/09/12 02:47:19PM @david-c-deal:
Beautiful song indeed.
04/08/12 08:54:43PM @dolce:
Brandon, Ricky, and Alan,

I am sure you fellows are going to get tired of hearing from me, but I couldn't let the oppurtunity pass to congratulate you on song of the week. Well deserved guys!


Farrell Jackson
04/08/12 12:24:45PM @farrell-jackson:
Pill is an excellent song with good performances Southern Solstice. Also congrats on being selected as Mixposure's song of the week!

Farrell Jackson

04/06/12 06:31:57PM @gene-smith:
Where to start? Well have to start someplace...

The acoustic intro has tons of tone! The vocals are fantastic and fit with the song perfectly, the message is clear and EVERYTHING in the mix "just fits".

The vocal harmonies are so very tastefully done and not overdone and then that tasty electric rolls in. And then the graceful roll down to the end...

Did I say I love this song yet?

04/16/12 06:56:27AM @mel:
Beautiful intro to this and love the vocals. A stunning radio worthy song. Love it. Wishing you well, Melsi
10/19/12 06:55:03PM @gene-smith:
I said it on my first review and I will say it again. I absolutely love this song, this is how it is done right here!

I REALLY would like to hear some more Solstice around the Mix I would.


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