
Harrison, Arkansas

album: Izzy's Paranoia
genre: Comedy
streams: 293
creation date: 2009-11-23

  Song Information
Dedicated to the town of Harrison, AR. Well, I guess that was obvious.
Harrison, Arkansas
08/15/24 11:07:01AM @kim-d-groff:
Lived in small towns, and the vibe and content are true to life, but funny as hell!! I can relate for sure!! In my playlist!!
Magpie Sally
02/13/21 09:01:57AM @magpie-sally:
Cool track bud.
11/24/09 12:01:22AM @000:
I love It! Cool and original. Was all the intrumentation done on the keys ?
11/23/09 03:02:25PM @bigpete:
It rings so much truth, it is ironic humour at its best, better laugh about it than cry I guess, if they think they are happy good for them, but you story telling here is great, ok enough about the social content of the track, the music is just as great as a backdrop to this pictural song, great production and arrangements again, truly artistic sarcastic comedic tragic, lol. Great song about the rural USA, the part they call the red USA as in Republican not communist, lol.
11/23/09 01:57:21PM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
Not quite falling over laughing as you will appreciate that it loses something in translation. However, I was trying to think of British equiavalents and Chatham, Yorkshire, Wales, Newcastle come to mind but actually too many to list. I am sure it is fun for you Americans. ftlpope


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