stephan foster
stephan foster

Every Night She Cries

album: Not Enough Time
genre: Acoustic
streams: 127
creation date: 2011-06-21

  Song Lyrics
She's got tears for words unspokenPain for her lover's liesCan't remember her heart unbrokenYou can see it in her eyesHer days go on foreverAnd she longs for...
Every Night She Cries
Farrell Jackson
06/21/11 09:15:16AM @farrell-jackson:
Excellent classic country rock song Stephan. I like those guitar fills. You vocals are right on....everything sits perfectly in this mix...nice work!


06/21/11 06:29:48AM @bri-an:
..aww nice stuff here Stephan. The mandolin sneaks through nicely throughout the entire it that "little feat" laid back it.
lyrically clean, and delivered so that every word was understood with a single pass....
it's structure is a familiar as an arrangement goes... tell em, remind em...and tell em again...songwriting at it's best.
Band element is great..."a tray of beers to the band please"


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