stephan foster
stephan foster

You Know Me (It's What I Do) blues version

album: Not Enough Time
genre: SSTM June 2010
streams: 139
creation date: 2010-06-26

You Know Me (It's What I Do) blues version
07/28/10 02:19:54AM @kandeekris:
You have a cool sound and I really liked this song. Nice.
stephan foster
06/29/10 04:47:01PM @stephan-foster:
Thanks Rae Anne, except I did the harmonies, not Rebecca. Didn't know I could get up there, eh?
06/29/10 01:06:50PM @rae-anne:
AWESOME job on BOTH of your songs! I can see Rebecca and I line dancin' to this one! Nice harmony by Rebecca too :)
06/27/10 07:57:01PM @tlt50:
Stephan...I just freakin' love this groove.....the instrumentation is incredible.Super songwriting...vocals,harmonies.....and stellar performances by all, are way too sweet....bro.Love the Pure class... OUTSTANDING !!! *****\

Larry T

06/27/10 12:29:59PM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
This takes me back to some 70s bands - very cool and smooth. ftlpope
06/26/10 05:46:26PM @bigpete:
Hey Stephan I love about this track, the performances, great arrangements, production sounds real good, that bottle neck work is awsome, wow a five stars production for sure, great work.
Farrell Jackson
06/26/10 01:57:24PM @farrell-jackson:
Cool Stephan, you know me it's what I do! Man this takes me back to the funk n' roll days of Country Joe and The Fish and The Dead. Not that it sounds like them, it sounds like you, but it just has that same good feel vibe! Alright, nice guitar solo work! I think it's that big bass that gives me the Fish and Dead vibe. Nice my friend!



07/02/10 02:47:06AM @anaji:

Excellent production and arrangements =]. Very pleasant and easy going.

06/27/10 06:13:10AM @mark-reed:
Excellent rhythm sequence, love that funk blues groove. Musically this is a solid work. Vocals are stand out both lyrically and in the performance. Enjoyed this one well done


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