Steve Giordano
Steve Giordano

Over Easy

album: Utopia
genre: Jazz
streams: 76
creation date: 2010-02-16

Over Easy
Roger Aldridge
08/20/19 09:51:58AM @roger-aldridge:
Steve, Reading your bio I saw that Brian Howell is playing bass. Brian played on one of my recordings in 2010 with a group of superb musicians in the Phila area....AND, I knew Brian's dad when we were at Berklee. I like this tune very much. Is it an original? It has a nice balance between static mood-setting and surprises in how the lines break out to being more angular and the horns going from unison to harmony. Good stuff!
Rogers-Tennison Band
03/06/10 02:38:30PM @rogers-tennison-band:
I am imagining sitting by my villa on Lake Como in the Italian Alps waiting for my harem of Swiss Air stewardesses to get back, while my Bugatti is being hand waxed and the nitrogen air changed in the tires, while James Cameron begs me for the rights to do my life story.

Yes. This is excellent music to day dream to. Your "Utopis" is my "Escape". Wow what a great tune.


p.s. When did Coltrane and Miles get back?

David Lee
02/17/10 10:32:05AM @david-lee:
AHHHHHH! Thought I was going to go crazy listen to "lame day" on mixposure, then I clicked on "Over Easy" Thanks for posting.
Solid sax, trumpet, guitar and drum work. And the bass solo was tasty too!


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