<p>I'm a solo bedroom recording artist recording on an 8 track and love all creative song based music.Don't like to be limited by genre,but i'm probably acousticelectricpsychedelicfolkpop i guess if its gotta be narrowed down..</p>
<p>I live in a 24/7 fantasy music bubble in a flat in Birmingham UK and like going for long walks in the sunshine making up songs in my head.. when i'm not sitting at the computer surfing and getting red eye<br />My first solo album 'The Stars Are Never Really Distant' released Dec '06<br />Its available to BUY from <a href="http://indienetunes.com/indiecat/catalog/index.php?cPath=246_261_300">IndieNetunes</a> or to download from <a href="http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?i=208483137&id=208479382&s=143441">i-tunes</a><br /><br /> THE MUSIC IS THE MESSAGE...THE MUSIC IS THE MESSAGE..THE MUSIC IS THE MESSAGE...</p>
<p><br />Keepin' it unreal...</p>