Don't know why this wasn't posted sooner, but for a while I was unable to get the uploader to work... so here it is now. It was inspired by the =need to make...
Don't know why this wasn't posted sooner, but for a while I was unable to get the uploader to work... so here it is now.
It was inspired by the =need to make a track that was so bad that people couln't possibly give it a sycophantic p[ositive review, but alas... they still did, and since then it has been softened and has become more of an appealing avant piece
It has no shame in what it is... any musical appomplishemnt is well hidden, and it is more of a soundscape, and an experiment in tortured tones.
I love it..!
06/09/11 02:36:16PM @stu:
Ed... i just watched that video for the very first time... i love it, and it's a mix i've not heard in a while too... quite... ahh... 'round'..?
it's got 'freak' written all over it... especially the 'star'.
i still love this tune... and the fun house/madhouse one... we have to do this again.
Ed... i just watched that video for the very first time... i love it, and it's a mix i've not heard in a while too... quite... ahh... 'round'..?
it's got 'freak' written all over it...
i still love this tune... and the fun house/madhouse one... we have to do this again.