
what number blog is this..?

user image 2008-06-02
By: stu
Posted in:
what number blog is this..?

<p>well... things have been slow, but they are improving.. :)</p>
<p>i have to enjoy listening to music this month as much as i can... as at the end of it, i am relocating, and this means i will only have a slow internet connection that won't support streaming... bummer..!!</p>
<p>so come next month... when my reviews (not that i do loads or anything) have dropped off completely... its not because i hate the place.. its just circumstance.</p>
<p>there... i knww this blog would eventually come in handy for something if i stayed with it.. ha ha.. :)</p>

Luca Wulf
06/05/08 10:00:15AM @huge-artist:
Well Stu...
If you get stuck,one idea is for me to act as middle man.
Post within the uk is pretty quick,a day or so...
So if you need tos end something to USA,Canada,Germany,wherever,send me on disk the parts via mail,day or so to get to me,and then I can send them on via e-mail instantly.
If you post to those places,it's 2 - 3 weeks in my experience.

If it's coming from others,they can send to me and I will on cd to you.

Just a thought anyways, :)
Keeps it all flowing if all else fails :)


06/05/08 09:51:29AM @stu:
i guess its doable... even a slower connection will work, and i have good up/down software to ensure that tracks will not get screwy and that i can send them on a sessional basis too.. :)
even that would be better than the post.. ha ha... :o

Luca Wulf
06/05/08 09:27:16AM @huge-artist:
Well most of the Gunslinger album was done using the postal service as Al had no broadband either :)


06/05/08 11:26:30AM @stu:
sounds like a plan mate.. :)
would be posting from ireland to you... but even then... chris and myself can usually work on just a few days for the mail etc... still much betterthan posting to the states and canada... my worst experience in this was a 12 week wait... :o

06/04/08 03:58:56AM @stu:
cheers dazed... tis quite good here... so i expect i will be trying to stay..?

and Nigel... what can i say... i can try to point out some of your finer moments to people... granted.. it may never drum up the kind of hate i have for your talents... but it might do..? lolololololololololololololol... :D

i expect that i will have to download songs, and live with it..?
we'll see... one day i expect we might even get broadband in our little remote cottage too... but am not holding my breath.

i have just twigged at how painful sending collab files is going to be... :o ohhh man..!!

06/03/08 07:28:58PM @dazed:
blogs are great for a nice chronological order of events! glad to see you back here Stu!
Luca Wulf
06/03/08 07:40:09PM @huge-artist:
Who's going to hate me if youa re not here?
Oh I know you will say there will be others,but it's just not the same.
That small h hate is hard to find you know.

Best wishes for the move mate.
Nigel :)


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