
Perfect Choice

album: Perfect Choice
genre: Punk Rock
streams: 112
creation date: 2010-09-27

  Song Information
melodic punkrock featuring bagpipes
Perfect Choice
10/03/10 09:37:00AM @the-sorrows-of-the-languedoc:
Sehr droll! This really grabs ya. Deutch/Scottish punk - what ever next! Damn this really works. ftlpope
Rich Lodato
09/28/10 12:52:47AM @rich-lodato:
Great bad boy song!
09/27/10 08:47:37PM @dazed:
love this tune! very well written with a nice twist at the 1:55 mark and sweet solo. Really enjoyed the tune!
09/27/10 05:04:19PM @bigpete:
Greay fun track, love the vocals reminded me of Joe Strummer and had that The Clash vibe I miss so much, The Clash God of Rock for me, lol. I have a Mixposure radio show and I'd love to play your track on it, could I get a mp3 copy of it if you wish at this adress , again great anthem track, and welcome to Mixposure.
09/27/10 04:32:27PM @cooter:
Killer song, guys. Well written and performed. Outstanding mix. And any tune which starts with bagpipes has my interest immediately. Love it.


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