Syntopia Music
Syntopia Music

Halloween Song by Syntopia and RedEye C

user image 2008-09-29
By: syntopia
Posted in: Music

<span style="font-size: small;">Last year we a little bit late with this song , we wait&nbsp; and it&acute;s Halloween again...</span> <br /><br />A dark journey in a own style Syntopia and RedEye c `s "Halloween"<br />When you have time open the gate and listen our song<br /><br /><br /><img src="" alt="" /><br /><br /><br /><br />Thanks so much for your Time&nbsp;&nbsp; Sven &amp; Bob

10/01/08 03:26:16AM @ab1:
hey sven.. thanks for pointing out that it's time once again to hear you and bob celebrating the harvest.. harvest moon soon.. cheers brothers in trick or treat.. :-)
10/01/08 02:50:14AM @ab2:
Svenny and Bob...I love the piece, it`s one incredibly good listen...:-)

peace n love my friends..:-) Mags :-)


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