Ted Lehman
Ted Lehman

I Want My MP3

album: Totally Digital
genre: Blues
streams: 81
creation date: 2009-06-01

I Want My MP3
12/23/16 05:02:15PM @vig-wig:

It reminds me of another song by maybe J Geils Band - Centerfold.  I like it, you've dome a good job capturing a feel of an 80's tun.

06/01/09 12:54:40PM @the-full-quid:
Oh yeah I want my Mp3 , "dirty laundy " by Don Henely comes to mind . ever try to get a teensger too listen to ENTIRE CD ? hahaha, oh well , good solid song once again
06/01/09 11:17:21AM @mark-reed:
This is excellent, great backing, very current in the lyrics. Noticed the copyright for 2003. This is almost a prediction of whats come to pass. Liked your vocal delivery, some nice guitar work well done


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