The Autumleaf
The Autumleaf

Nowhere to Hide

album: Nowhere to Hide
genre: Hard Rock
streams: 984
creation date: 2008-12-23

  Song Information
This is our "Show "Number....Which we used to play extended versions during our live... Just did a mellowing down before posting it.
Nowhere to Hide
06/11/12 11:48:52AM @kalola-kiss:
Without a doubt this is one of my all time favorites here at the Mix. Has been ever since joining in 2010.
Lyrics, music; this whole production is more than awesome, it is GRAND! I will never "hide" from this beautifully mastered piece.

01/08/12 07:36:59PM @the-erik-jurado-experience:
Pretty cool how this one builds into a hard rock tune - I wasn't expecting that! At first I thought it was just mislabeled. Cool guitar work on this. I gotta get a download of this. Thanks!
05/16/10 12:23:30AM @andenmephistol:
thought i wasnt gonna like it at first but was good once it got going
cool layed back song

02/25/09 11:45:44PM @king-cake:
Great song. I like what you bring to the genre...Well recorded and well played!

user image
02/24/09 01:26:41PM @:
Hi Autumnleaf, This is a very nice tune. I love the twangy guitars. The bridge works really well. Excellent rock tune. Good job!
02/09/09 05:59:34PM @chris-moore:
Hey - this is a great tune, from the intro into that rolling beat, vocals and harmonies are excellent, and the guitars are just superb. And when the vocal comes back in after the break - real talent there, in huge quantities. Lots of melody for the hard rock genre too. EXCELLENT! thanks guys, Chris
Burning Red Sun
02/08/09 10:24:18PM @burning-red-sun:
Just love the sound of this track...nice Byrds like guitar and solid vocals...this track is certainly a more than one time listen...keep up the great work guys....Ken/BRS
Rob Grant
02/08/09 08:01:59AM @rayon-vert:
Listening to your music with headphones is a treat!!! The production is large and there is so much to hear.....and I love listening to the details of each instrument. The guitart soloing is 100% PURE TASTE, as if each note were planned.......CHILLING!! Your vocals are amazing!! The dynamic detail you use to write your songs amazes me.....VERY IMPRESSIVE!! GREAT MUSIC, YOU GUYS DO!!! WITH SUPERB TALENT....ALL AROUND!!

01/15/09 09:55:46AM @test200:
diggin the guitar sound on the pickin, hey thats cool the way the rollin beat worked with it. Really catchy vocal opens, the harmony is a great hook. Wasn't expecting the breakdown into some heavier rock, but that lead really spiced it up to the next level. cool ending, lots of different elements in this track. As usual guys, you have great chops in your compositions..
01/14/09 09:51:41PM @blue-sahara:
Nice!! Very, very nice. Jay & Crew - this is a hit. I love this monotone drum beat, which carries the song really nicely. The lingering rhythm guitars are excellent and as always the vocals are superb. I think this has to be my favorite of The Autumnleaf.
Excellent production!

01/22/09 07:56:19AM @jelly:
Absolut great Track!

Hard Rock at the Best!

Greetings from Germany, Neda

12/30/08 11:41:00PM @david-c-deal:
This is a fine song. It relies on clean vocal harmonies, naked guitar and simple orchestration yet plays BIG. You guys have a great thing going here.
David C Deal

12/30/08 08:52:36AM @brian-futch:
Great song guys. You guy's have your own "sound" no doubt. Excellent tune. My only critique is that I wish the drums were a little more "in your face", especially in the heavy part. It doesn't detract from the sound, but if the snare had a little more pop, it would sound even more fresh. Really liked this tune and the change of direction it took. You have something here. Keep it up.
Luca Wulf
12/27/08 02:34:42PM @huge-artist:
Very nice build in the intro...
Into a nice chugguing rhythm piece...
Vocals,as always,spot on.
Has a real summertime ibe to this,perfect music for alazy summer's after noon.
Very nice arangement.
Another very polished song.

12/24/08 09:55:36AM @saladin-de-tolosa:
great sounds boys, big beat and tremendous voices.
12/23/08 10:24:31PM @mike-lynn:
Once again, a very solid track with great beat/rhythm and production. The bridge & solo lifted up the song. Cheers.
12/23/08 08:59:24PM @tlt50:
Gents.... Sweet ,old school vibe...loved the guitar work... The band is tight and exemplifies musicianship. Very good mix and production !! Vocals... yea ,,,,the vocals... are dynamite...outstanding !! Awesome work guys !!!!


12/23/08 12:04:21PM @mark-reed:
This reminds me very much of Byrds during their psychadelic period. Nice arpeggio work on the rhythm guitars. Solid backing from the rhythm section. Nice solo sequence. With a very 60's styled vocal delivery. great track well done
Farrell Jackson
12/23/08 12:02:37PM @farrell-jackson:
Hey it's The Birds and jangling guitar! Oops spoke too soon..... now it's Autumleaf all the way! I love that Cream-ish harmony in the chorus. Enjoyed it and Mery Christmas!


Jasmine Tea
12/23/08 08:07:29AM @jasmine-tea:
What a great sound! Love the guitar on this song! Your harmonies are very cool, and very tight. The melody is very catchy as well. Nice song! I really like it!
12/23/08 08:43:12PM @piperon:
This classical rock is just the right track for the holiday mood, celebrating every passion in the mellow. As always, the rendition of this rock music is sensational fusion especially the transition part, love the guitars. Merry Xmas to all at Mix and please be safe always, don't drink and drive. With million of love from Singapore. Piperon - One and Only spiritual flute player on Earth.
12/23/08 05:32:35PM @austn:
Like this chilly guitar lead duo ripN tawng as the bass loadZ up and has such punch...the Mpact of drums and bass rhythmic colorationZ is powerful, and Mpactice...the bridge change up is contrastive and the guitar solo work punches the clock right on N 4 a headrush...super song and kick'N rhythms Stablished thru-out this ROCKER...falseto voice is awesome WOW...ThanX 4 sharing your talentZ, Merry Xmas...~Austn
12/29/08 02:22:37PM @slowmarchingband:
Wow! My favorite from this 'crew' so far. Those guitar arps, and harmonics remind me a little of EVH on this tune. The singer has quite a vocal range. Perfect! Not to take away from the drummer and bass player, but, I'm in awe of the guitar slinging on this. Without sounding like a teenage kid..this song Rocks!! In all seriousness, you gents seem to gel together so effortlessly. I know you've been together for a long time, and the musicianship is displayed in a way that you are comfortable with one another and able to 'feed' off each other's playing. To me, that's the 'secret' of a good band. Excellent song and I've come to expect this from you all...


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