The Autumleaf
Autumnleaf Show at Trivandrum India
<p>Dear All</p><p>We are set to hit the stage on May 23 after 12 years. When we will be doing a come back show at our home town Trivandrum - India</p><p>Thanks to all at Mix who supported efforts . Your words of appreciation has given us the confidence to go forward.</p><p>regards</p><p>Jay from The Autumnleaf</p><p> </p>
Go get them jay, they are in for a pleasant surprise!
Trivandrum is one Lucky town... With such a talented group of musicians ..
Get out there and do what you enjoy most.. Keep on singing that Beautiful music!! Here's to many more live performances.
All The Best,
as they say in the show biz world, break a leg!{ that's good luck! }
i hope it's as good as it gets! record it and post some vids! we all would love to see and hear it! i just looked up and seen that KED said the same thing!
all the best gentelmen!
digger stone
Jay & Co - good luck with your live performance! I know you'll knock the audience out with your grand sound and your beautifully arranged song! All the best,
Heinz & Blue Sahara
JAY.. make sure someone records this monumentus time of your life with a video recorder of some sort... then PUT IN ON MIXPOSURE!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all for your best wishes!!!! The show went very well....Looking forward to add Pics of the same and later Vedio once we get the footage