Low Self-Esteem (LSE)My number one enemy was not Osama Bin LadenAnd neither was it Satan or the ClanIt was my low self esteem that came to enter the...
My number one enemy was not Osama Bin Laden And neither was it Satan or the Clan It was my low self esteem that came to enter the equation, Preventing me from doing what I can
Up in this everyday struggle, I tried to make things happen, But this feeling undermined my every move, What made me stuff myself with shallow entertainment, When the life I came to live was in the groove.
I had a case of low Low self Low self esteem, you're my enemy number one You're my number one enemy hear me say Low Low self, Low self esteem, you're the one I had to break away from You're the one I had to break away from
My biggest worry in life was not the threat of global warming Nor that one day I might get blown away It was my low self esteem that had me hiding in the corner, Dissin'n everything I was trying to say.
I had a case of low Low self Low self esteem, you're my enemy number one You're my number one enemy hear me say Low Low self, Low self esteem, you're the one I had to break away from You're the one I had to break away from
So when you're spinning your wheels, like a hamster on a treadmill, Reaching for that pie up in the sky And you're beginning to wonder why you're getting towed under, Chickens spread their wings but do not fly,
That's a case of Low self Low self esteem, you're my enemy number one You're my number one enemy hear me say Low Low self, Low self esteem, you're the one I had to break away from You're the one I had to break away from
Song Information
The first song of this young and fresh, international collaboration project. Check out the official project page for additional info and updates!...
Composer/Lyrics: Kai Eckhardt Production: Mike Burn
07/26/08 12:28:07PM @deacon-gene:
Musically this song is AWESOME! The arrangement is great. All the performances are spot on. It's got such a feel good grove to it. This could be hit song with some lighter lrics. Very cool stuff.
07/26/08 05:49:20AM @rayon-vert:
WHEW! Love this style of music. I was a big fan of Narada Michael Waldan, Alphonzo Johnson, Tony Williams, Stanley Clarke......and on.....and your music is of their high quality and standard. EXCELLENT pefromances and production....VERY TIGHT!! LOVED IT!!
07/26/08 05:34:47AM @robert-smith:
Oooh, I'm a sucker for a funky groove. Love the rock feel guitar that comes in. Excellent tight beat and band. The vocals are excellent and that bass solo is sublime. I love it - this makes cool look like a hot summmers day.
07/25/08 11:04:13PM @:
I like this better than Ghandi, at least is less cerebral, the beat is Great, all the mix is excellent and the vocal is good.
Very good Variety of music contained and presented in a professional manner. Nice. I found the lyric girl at the end a bit annoying, maybe thats intentional. The mix good throughout though.
07/25/08 03:20:38PM @avalanche:
Wow...this one is really different!
Fusion with really kewl vocals and lyrics....something you just don't see every day. Great drums, KILLER bass, sweet guitars, and again the exceptional vocal stuff. This is great stuff!
Hugs....Mike (NAV)
07/25/08 12:27:45PM @mike-kohlgraf:
Alright! If anyone needs a definition of what the Genre "FUSION" is all about, I guess I will send them to this page and the tunes! Great vibe in this one. Aside from the excellent arrangement, production, composition, excellent vocals, great lyrics, and great playing there's really nothing to this song! LOL!!! GET IT??? PERFECT in every way! I really dig it!
09/21/08 09:57:55AM @big-daddy-cee:
hmmmmm....if I just say brilliant is that too short a review?...lol.....just call me a man of few words then......
<p align="justify">The Mabuse Project is a international collaboration project, determined to make a difference! Musical fun and quality paired with...
<p align="justify">The Mabuse Project is a international collaboration project, determined to make a difference! Musical fun and quality paired with lyrics which should make you smile and think at the same time are key.</p>
<p align="justify">For the first musical adventure, "Low Self Esteem", <a href="http://www.myspace.com/kaieckhardt" target="_blank">Kai Eckhardt</a> (USA) delivered the song idea and lyrics, played bass and sang, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/katecassidy" target="_blank">Kate Cassidy</a> (Scotland) spreads the message in perfect Scottish dialect, <a href="http://www.myspace.com/dhaynesakafingerrs" target="_blank">David Haynes</a> (USA) did the drumming using his unique finger technique and <a href="http://www.myspace.com/mikeburn" target="_blank">Mike Burn</a> (Germany) played guitar / keyboards and produced the song.</p>
Musically this song is AWESOME! The arrangement is great. All the performances are spot on. It's got such a feel good grove to it. This could be hit song with some lighter lrics. Very cool stuff.
WHEW! Love this style of music. I was a big fan of Narada Michael Waldan, Alphonzo Johnson, Tony Williams, Stanley Clarke......and on.....and your music is of their high quality and standard. EXCELLENT pefromances and production....VERY TIGHT!! LOVED IT!!
Oooh, I'm a sucker for a funky groove. Love the rock feel guitar that comes in. Excellent tight beat and band. The vocals are excellent and that bass solo is sublime. I love it - this makes cool look like a hot summmers day.
I like this better than Ghandi, at least is less cerebral, the beat is Great, all the mix is excellent and the vocal is good.
Very good Variety of music contained and presented in a professional manner. Nice. I found the lyric girl at the end a bit annoying, maybe thats intentional. The mix good throughout though.
Wow...this one is really different!
Fusion with really kewl vocals and lyrics....something you just don't see every day. Great drums, KILLER bass, sweet guitars, and again the exceptional vocal stuff. This is great stuff!
Hugs....Mike (NAV)
Alright! If anyone needs a definition of what the Genre "FUSION" is all about, I guess I will send them to this page and the tunes! Great vibe in this one. Aside from the excellent arrangement, production, composition, excellent vocals, great lyrics, and great playing there's really nothing to this song! LOL!!! GET IT???
hmmmmm....if I just say brilliant is that too short a review?...lol.....just call me a man of few words then......