The Mix Files
The Mix Files

Mix Files Steve Gilmore

album: The Mix Files - Steve Gilmore
genre: Interview
streams: 38
creation date: 2013-02-10

  Song Information
You can visit Steve Gilmore's Mixposure page HERE . The Mix Files featuring Steve aired during the Saturday Night Rocks broadcast on Feb. 9, 2013....
Mix Files Steve Gilmore
02/12/13 12:30:46PM @josephrodz:
Simply AWESOME!!!
Farrell Jackson
02/11/13 10:01:45AM @farrell-jackson:
I missed this on Saturday but gave it a listen on Sunday and it was another interesting Mix File! A great interview Steve and kooder! It's always informative to hear the artist behind the music describe the how and why they are doing this very time consuming hobby....but as we all know it's much more than a hobby, it's a serious, driven passion. Good one Steve and kooder!



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