The Transmission
1 week on the new Mixposure
A big thankyou to all who have reviewed us this week our first on the new look Mixposure.<br />The way "Close you eyes" has been recieved has been really pleasing. There are 4 other tracks that we are equally pleased with so please take a listen, all of you who fancy listening to something new!<br />A big thanks to the dedication of the Mix faithfull for getting it back<br /><br />THE TRANSMISSION
Hi Guys, I have to dissagree with the stats as i know that I must have reviewed nearly 70 + songs this week. Not that I expect anything like that in response, I know how it works on mixposure, we were fairly well established a couple of years back. You tend to get about 20% of your reviews returned. I totally accept what your saying Fungas and i accept your facts as they are the truth,and we will see how things go, I love this site and i think its the best of its kind as opinion are great especially honest ones. take care guys speak soon.
hi transmission.. glad you're here too.. since you're new don't know if you know where to read your stats.. scroll down left.. after one week your balance is 4 reviews written.. 31 received.. an auspicious beginning indeed.. let us see how it proceeds.. cheers..
No worry guys, if we choose to give reviews generously, we are giving unconditional love at the same time. If the artist choose not to return reviews or ignore the reviews, it will be their loss not ours. We are creating a good karma by giving reviews generously, there is nothing to loss. And don't you guys worry about the chart, it means nothing to me. What is the big deal being at the top of the chart? I done that at the old mix (My song was on the top for 6 months consecutively if you can remember) but I am still a nobody in Singapore. It doesn't change my life at all.
We are here to enjoy music at its best and appreciate the kind of hardwork we put it in. So, whether who is on the top of the chart doesn't matter to me at all. Look at my stat here :-
Written reviews : 205
Reviews Received : 50
If someone will to blow up this issue, I should be the one but I don't really mind giving reviews generously. If they like them, I will be more willing to give them all. But sometime, I will get nasty flashback when I do it honestly. I hope I will not bounce into one again.
With million of love from Singapore.
Piperon - One and Only spiritual flute player on Earth.