The Wimshurst Machine
The Wimshurst Machine

Rise and Fall of the Anasazi

album: Time Traveller
genre: Progressive Rock
streams: 59
creation date: 2007-11-04

  Song Information
A long and ambitious track, where a new age start transforms slowly into a running prog rock rollercoaster ride... in memory of a lost civilization.
Rise and Fall of the Anasazi
11/25/07 09:33:24AM @syntopia-music:
What a soundworld, wonderful ambient music with great textures. I like the theme great performed. Wonderful music to relax and chill. Great work
Gary Carciello
11/07/07 01:51:07AM @gary-carciello:
Impressive musical journey...rhythm section was interesting,excellent production and sounds,I like gtr leads VERY dynamics were build beautifully!Awesome!


11/04/07 04:54:07PM @michael-nunley:
My mastiff realy liked this one. Honest, I put the headphones on him and he sat down and listend all the way thru.

I don't know what that means...but he's a pretty good judge of people and charactors... didn't know he was a music critic till this week!


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