album:Yeah right genre:Acapella streams:49 creation date:2008-07-01
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07/03/08 06:59:54PM @thevi-olin:
thx m8. You reviewed it and so dod more peeps. But somehow i lost the review when updating my song roster thx again, talk to you soon buddie!
07/03/08 01:54:31PM @ab1:
no reviews? OUCH indeed thevi.. not fair that so many new songs coincide with your return.. i thought i reviewed it to tell the truth but maybe that was on nexus.. I really like the pointilistic accompaniment.. like the clock ticking.. and your heavy compression gives the lead voice a lot of subtlety and understatement.. it sounds like you really composed this one and gave it the full treatment.. a very convincing piece of lyrical music brother.. cheers.. .-)
Bought my first guitar at 18, got bitten by the guitar bug, played in several bands and records homebrew instrumentals. Experimental stuff and some more...
Bought my first guitar at 18, got bitten by the guitar bug, played in several bands and records homebrew instrumentals. Experimental stuff and some more traditional music. Its about enjoying myself and hopefully enjoy listeners with my music.
thx m8. You reviewed it and so dod more peeps. But somehow i lost the review when updating my song roster
no reviews? OUCH indeed thevi.. not fair that so many new songs coincide with your return.. i thought i reviewed it to tell the truth but maybe that was on nexus.. I really like the pointilistic accompaniment.. like the clock ticking.. and your heavy compression gives the lead voice a lot of subtlety and understatement.. it sounds like you really composed this one and gave it the full treatment.. a very convincing piece of lyrical music brother.. cheers.. .-)