album:In This Trance genre:Singer/Songwriter streams:208 creation date:2014-04-23
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Still In Love
Song Information
Still In LoveWord & Music by Tima Montemayor & Rick McComas
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Still In Love Word & Music by Tima Montemayor & Rick McComas
05/07/16 09:34:54PM @digital-j:
I heard this and just fell in love its a good song and i have not listened to a song like this for a long time...... great job, brought me back to some old memories..... Im glad i heard this....
08/19/14 04:56:19PM @harry-v-singer-songwriter:
Must be real love Tima. Beautiful! WOW is the word. Love from Holland.
04/27/14 11:51:06AM @tima:
The week ends on the most positive note and that would be largely due to the support I have received from everyone here at Mixposure. I realize what you all do is not easy and is all very time consuming, but because of you, my music is brought into the spotlight. My heart is filled with much gratitude and I will always remember your kindest support!!!!! I feel honored that my song "Still In Love" has been awarded Song of The Week, amongst all the other songs here. THANK YOU very much!!!! Love & warmest wishes to you
04/27/14 11:41:05AM @tima:
THANK YOU @Dazed, @tlt50, @josephrodz... your kind and encouraging words made my day!!!! I'm all smiles right now!!!! Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!!
04/27/14 10:11:05AM @dazed:
Enjoyed the tune. Great vice and congrats on the Song of the Week.
04/26/14 02:09:40PM @tlt50:
~AwwwwwwwwOoooooooooooSOME~ !! Superb songwriting , musicianship and production. "Breath-taking vocals and lyrics " *****
All the best,
Larry T
04/26/14 09:11:45AM @josephrodz:
congratz and cya on our radio shows!
04/26/14 08:12:03AM @gene-smith:
Congrats on "Song Of The Week" Well deserved!
04/25/14 07:12:47PM @tima:
THANK YOU so much @gene-smith. Your kindest words made my day!!! Wishing you a beautiful weekend!!!
04/24/14 07:19:13PM @gene-smith:
Very, VERY nice song I am listening to here! Well done Tima and Rick!
I heard this and just fell in love
Thank you @harry-v-singer-songwriter for taking the time to listen and for your kindest words
Must be real love Tima. Beautiful! WOW is the word. Love from Holland.
The week ends on the most positive note and that would be largely due to the support I have received from everyone here at Mixposure. I realize what you all do is not easy and is all very time consuming, but because of you, my music is brought into the spotlight. My heart is filled with much gratitude and I will always remember your kindest support!!!!! I feel honored that my song "Still In Love" has been awarded Song of The Week, amongst all the other songs here. THANK YOU very much!!!! Love & warmest wishes to you
THANK YOU @Dazed, @tlt50, @josephrodz... your kind and encouraging words made my day!!!! I'm all smiles right now!!!! Wishing you all a beautiful day!!!!
Enjoyed the tune. Great vice and congrats on the Song of the Week.
~AwwwwwwwwOoooooooooooSOME~ !! Superb songwriting , musicianship and production. "Breath-taking vocals and lyrics " *****
All the best,
Larry T
congratz and cya on our radio shows!
Congrats on "Song Of The Week" Well deserved!
THANK YOU so much @gene-smith. Your kindest words made my day!!! Wishing you a beautiful weekend!!!
Very, VERY nice song I am listening to here! Well done Tima and Rick!