Tommy Gardner
Tommy Gardner

Instrumental Rock

user image 2008-09-09
By: TJ Gardner
Posted in: Mixposure's God's of Guitar

This is were if you hear an artist in the catagory of Instrumental rock, and their music blows you away; please leave a comment about that artist and their track.

09/10/08 09:58:02PM @self-tort:
Hey just to touch on this...I am close to getting the first genre spotlight put together which will be in TJ's hand. This will give you an idea:

09/11/08 02:02:57PM @ab1:
oh lord please don't let me be misunderstood.. lol.. guys that was for Di.. he knows who he is.. mr. number 1.. and he knows i'm his bro joe who, like him, likes to leave a joke.. hey got anything to smoke?.. oops..
quote my own song: "oh i've done it again.. opened my mouth and put my big foot in.." (copyright rapster 2008 lol).. lighthen up skys.. can't we all just take a toke?.. uh.. joke?.. :-)

TJ Gardner
09/11/08 07:37:23AM @tommy-gardner:
Rick is right everyone I know that we all want honest reviews. And also the last thing we want is to fall back into arguing who is better, we all share a common experiance, God I hope my spelling is correct, in the famous words of Rodney King "Can't we all just get along". LOL.
09/11/08 04:59:39AM @ab1:
oh boy.. are we all using this to claim how good we are? number 1 listings? ok.. you want to hear about all of mine?.. old mix.. new mix.. need a fix?.. lol..

tommy i'll just say that angels track of yours i just reviewed is awesome dude!

new genre spotlights? tommy is the instrumental rock chef? great news.. on with the feast! who gets jazz acid nu fusion hippity hop? huh todd? lol.. :-)

09/10/08 08:01:44PM @dicarlo-productions:

09/10/08 07:50:38PM @dicarlo-productions:
Hey TJ, Wassup bro?
Just here for a minute, and stoppin by to **** hello.
Hope all is going well.


TJ Gardner
09/10/08 03:27:38PM @tommy-gardner:
Wow were do I go with this one?, LOL Nigel and Brian have done a lot here at the Mix. And they both give others something to look up too, and I've alway's been told if somethings not broke, don't fix it. I hope that this Instrumental Rock genre take's off at new heights. There is so much that I have in mind for this, I've already fired up the engines to the God's of Guitar Radio the new instrumental rock station. I've only got somewhat of a hundred songs on there right now, but more will come. Even adding some station ID's in there. I'm sure that we all missed Mixposure, and all our friends. I'm hoping that if this site takes off simular to before, that it will not go anywhere.
09/10/08 01:53:49PM @ab2:
whoops, my bad...ehheeeee..:-)
09/10/08 11:01:11AM @ab2:
:-) There`s something similar to this already, :-)
It`s called Nigel and Brians corner..:-)

Peace n love Mags :-)


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