Twank Whelan
Twank Whelan

Mona's Done Left Me - with Ray Brookes

album: with Ray Brookes
genre: shamelessly nameless
streams: 51
creation date: 2022-05-21

Mona's Done Left Me - with Ray Brookes
05/27/22 09:46:00AM @ed-drury:
Smooth, rich textures with some delicious guitar lead fills—a perfect backdrop for the dark soulful vocals. Again, the harmonica is placed perfectly in the mix with superb dynamics. This track is as close to perfection in songwriting and production as one can ask.
Paul rainbird
05/27/22 07:27:45AM @paul-rainbird:
Really like this, nice intro great atmospheric vocals and harmonica nice job guys
05/24/22 03:49:19PM @bustert:
nice guitar-organ intro with a good story- very good athmospheric collab!!
05/22/22 10:38:34AM @ronbowes:
Cool clab. Can tell that guitar tone! I must contact Ray again, been a while now. Good job Twank. ;-)
Farrell Jackson
05/22/22 09:15:09AM @farrell-jackson:
A very fine clab gentlemen! An interesting but dark story Twank and you present it well. Ray Brookes is quite a talented guy. I enjoyed the listen!


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