<p>Hello my name is Warren Hughes I am from Osage West Virginia . I have been playing guitar for 23 years. I was a music major at WVU and have played...
<p>Hello my name is Warren Hughes I am from Osage West Virginia . I have been playing guitar for 23 years. I was a music major at WVU and have played in too many bands to name. As of late I have been recording stuff here at home . I had the opportunity to live the dream and tour, meet a lot of cool musicians and cool fans along the way .As far as influences Old school bay area thrash Forbidden, Testament , also Dokken , Van Halen . I am a firm believer that practice makes perfect and that you must work for what you want and to never give up on your dreams . I am a lot of times overlooked because of what the mainstream visions a Hard rock or metal guitarist to be but I think that’s what makes me so marketable the unexpected..</p>
nice strong punchy track.