Whiteboy Slim
Whiteboy Slim

It Ain't Art

album: aka Whiteboy Slim
genre: Blues
streams: 48
creation date: 2009-03-28

  Song Lyrics
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It Ain't Art
04/04/09 05:32:19PM @vesa:
Well, it's about time I got here.
Love your cool edgy vocal range, perfect for blues,-fine backup, love the tasty guitar, jazzybluesy playing; man & that addition of harp just makes it a real solid tune, true blues here, only Canuks know how to play well; like the lyrics, good arranging and a SUPERB composition...nice mix. Every instruments fits perfectly into place...love this blues...keep it coming. EXCELLENT song and great production.

-Your friend from Thunder Bay. -Vesa.
Thanks for the inspirational pleasure Slim.

04/04/09 01:35:16PM @whiteboy-slim:
Hey Henry,

Thanks man, that means a lot. By the wya, I love your new CD, did I tell you that already. No matter, it bears repeating. Your voice is getting beter with age.

03/31/09 08:29:48AM @henry-correy:
Hey Maurice !....Great to come across you here !...I've always loved this tune !...Your vocals,lyrics and playing uniquely YOU !...It was a pleasure teaming up for shows with you when I was in Canada...We must get together again sometime !,,,,your blues buddy...Henry
03/29/09 02:02:45PM @whiteboy-slim:
Thanks for the comments. Firebird--I kind of agree with you, a little, at least. I mixed and mastered it like a Jazz or Classical recording, with almost no compression. The whole CD is like that. My next CD is going to mastered a little more like a Pop recording, although not with Red Hot Chillie Peppers' compression.

Markyone, thanks dude, I'm glad to see that the scat stuff reaches out.

03/29/09 11:13:51AM @mark-reed:
This is a very tasty blues/jazz piece. Nice backing with some excellent instrumental passages. I loved the skat style delivery on the vox. Excellent number well done


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