Wizard Sleeve
Wizard Sleeve

Sunday Auto Show

user image 2008-05-31
By: Wizard Sleeve
Posted in: Info/History

<p>HEY EVERYONE, just a short message to let you know that this sundays show will be completly AUTOMATED - I am moving house today and we still have loads of crap to move and unpack.. I just don't have the time to do a LIVE Show - So whats going to happen is this.. A preprogrammed show dedicated to YOUR REQUESTS.</p>
<p>How is works?</p>
<p>Once an hour you will here me (pre recorded) telling you that I will be playing 3 Tracks in "Y" Genre from "X" OMD..&nbsp; Other than that the whole show is YOUR REQUESTS - they will be automatically added to the que and played whenever.</p>
<p>Please be patent there will be other people requesting too and if they request before you their track will be played before yours as well..&nbsp; Also at 11PM GMT (6PM EST) the top 10 requests for the Sunday Show will automatically be played out too!!!</p>
<p>I will do my best to check in as and when i can on the show, I thought we would be all moved by now but I guessed wrong, and some of the people who said they would be here to help didnt come so we had more to do ourselves.</p>
<p>The chat and everything will still be running and if all goes well I will be here at the end of the Night to finish off the show.</p>
<p>Email: <a href="mailto:WizardSleeve@nexusradio.co.uk">WizardSleeve@nexusradio.co.uk</a><br />Listen Now Hifi: <a href=""></a><br />Chat: <a href="http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/chat.php">http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/chat.php</a><br />Forum: <a href="http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/forum.php">http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/forum.php</a><br />Request (live feature only): <a href="http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/requests/playlist.php?limit=100">http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/requests/playlist.php?limit=100</a><br />Teamspeak: <a href="http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1040">http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1040</a></p>
<p>Sunday from 8PM GMT (3PM EST) Till about Midnight often later - Infact as its an auto show, and i might not make it back, it may well be on till RSCains show tomorrow.. its set to auto turn itself off then if i am not back by then.. but i should be</p>


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