Wizard Sleeve
Wizard Sleeve

The Sunday Salve!

user image 2008-02-16
By: Wizard Sleeve
Posted in: Info/History
The Sunday Salve!

Tonights Sunday Salve SHOULD be a good one... I have got some new music from Soundclick and IMS, we got some Metal, Trance, Ska, and Ambient Stuff, not to mention all of your favorites!!!

Also tonight we are doing a small RESONANT SOUL Featurette as I finally have a LARGE wadge of their tunes, which should be fun, and if Fowlah is about maybe I can get him on TEAMSPEAK to have a word with us all too!

ALSO pending on Audience, we might do a CUNTDOWN of the DRUMS AND MACHINES: Psychokiller Album

We also get to play around with my new SOUNDCARD to make the shows HOPEFULLY alot better. - I'm on the new PC tonight so hopefully that will eliminate at least some of the problems I had with the broadcasting software, but I am sure having a new pc and soundcard is also going to MAKE problems as well.

Johnno MIGHT pop round with his guitar tonight also, so we might have a lil live air jam and some NAME THAT TUNE.. it will be electric this time if he does brin it (I hope) but I am sure we can work something out.

Other than that, the show is down to your REQUESTS - You can browse my playlist and request stuff live on air by following this link: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/samHTMweb/playlistA.html

You got some tunes and wanna get in to the action? Well email your stuff, or links to where we can download your stuff to all the DJ's - you can contact them on the following email addies:

Wizard Sleeve - WizardSleeve@nexusradio.co.uk
Rasmuth - Rasmuth@nexusradio.co.uk
RSCain - rscain@nexusradio.co.uk
Matty and Stef - Denosin@nexusradio.co.uk

Tonights show starts at 8PM GMT (thats 3PM EST) you can see the schedual: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/schedual.html but the finish times are just a rough guidline, most shows go on ALOT later than that..

If your on Broadband you can listen in here 24/7:

if you have dial up or buffering issues you can listen in when the LIVE shows are on here:

For the best listening performance we suggest you download winamp free from www.winamp.com, but if you do have issues listening in then please don't hesitate to ask Myself of one of the other DJ's for help!

When we are live we are in the http://www.imusicscene.com chat room which can be found here: http://www.imusicscene.com (you need an imusicscene account to login to the chat room... it only takes a few mins to sign up)

You can also contact us on the NEXUS MSN when the shows are live on: nexusradio@hotmail.co.uk [PLEASE DO NOT EMAIL THIS ACCOUNT!]

If you haven't already entered our latest competition, please check out the Song of the year 2008 thread on nexus radio: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?id=996

I hope this message finds you all well, hope to see you tonight on the show!

- Wiz



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