Wizard Sleeve
Wizard Sleeve

Song of the Year 2008 Nominations/Submissions

user image 2008-01-14
By: Wizard Sleeve
Posted in: Info/History
Song of the Year 2008 Nominations/Submissions

Welcome to the SOTY 2008 Submissions/Nominations stage.

First things first... the rules:

1. The song/tune must be made in 2008 (or at least the later couple of months of 2007)

2. The song can be any genre, we are very liberal and like any tune as long as its good

3. The song must be submitted via email, either as a link or the file directly sent over email to: <a href="mailto:competitions@nexusradio.co.uk">competitions@nexusradio.co.uk</a>

The email must be layed out with the subject being: Song of the year 2008 (we run other competitions and I don't want to get confused..
In the main section of the email i will need this info

Artist Name:
Tune Name:

These are required because:
a) most people don't tag their tracks properly
b) every track is going to put in to a new folder called song of the year 2008 in that folder will be genre folders, then artist folders, and it makes it much easyer if we can save directly to there instead of having to listen to every submission to find out where to put it.
c) if you can't handle sending an email like this there is no chance you can write a half decent song :lol: :P

4. The song cannot be one that was nominated for song of the year 2007, 2007 has passed, this year its all about NEW MUSIC from all different genres.

Personally I would like to see some more Electronic music this year, IE Trance, DnB, IDM, Industrial etc... but I am not adverse to rock, metal, funk, blues and all the other stuff as well.. its just i would like the genres to have even more variation than they did last year.

5. Once a song has been subitted it will be played out at least bi-weekly on nexus radio on most if not ALL of the shows so it gives a chance for everyone to hear the tracks in the runnings for SOTY

6. Tracks can then be NOMINATED by making a post in this thread at nexus radio (if your reading this on another site please click here: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?id=996) with every extra person you want to add please EDIT YOUR POST untill i do a TALLY, after that Create a new post and keep editing untill i do another TALLY
7. You cannot Nominate yourself, and I would rather no one nominated me (Wizard Sleeve)

8. You can only vote for 2 tracks from the same artist, though collabs count as a different artist so you could nominate every single colab from some one plus 2 solo tracks if you want, although not more than 2 collabs from the same artists... so only 2 stef/sly collabs, but as many stef/other people collabs.

9. As with last year; tracks with 1 nomination are eligble for the bottom spots, 2 or more for the middle spots, and 3 or more for the top spots

10. Only nominations made on the official thread at nexus radio count so if your reading this on another site please take your time to visit this thread HERE: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?id=996
11. This competition is really just a load of fun to be had on nexus radio. Don't take it too seriously its just a way for us to play out some great tunes from artists all round the web, give them some recognition, and at the end of the competition send out some funny lil prizes to thank them for letting us play out there tunes and supporting nexus radio.

If you think its too early for this then your wrong... we are collecting entries and nominations for the next 11 months and the final voting happens in December!


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