Wizard Sleeve
Wizard Sleeve

Whats happened to the Spacing in blogs?

user image 2008-03-01
By: Wizard Sleeve
Posted in: Info/History
Whats happened to the Spacing in blogs?

Something wierd has happened to the blogs on this site... my last couple of entries have had all the spaces taken out of them, not between words but between lines.. they are all one jumbled mess... any particular reason for this?

03/02/08 08:38:20AM @skin-deep:
should be fixed now :)
03/01/08 07:56:59PM @buddrumming:
Wiz I am not seeing this. I just posted an admin blog a second ago. Reboot and try again :). Seriously though lol...so you create a message and the carriage returns go missing? Is that correct?


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