Wizard Sleeve
Wizard Sleeve

Easter Sunday Wishes From Nexus Radio

user image 2008-03-22
By: Wizard Sleeve
Posted in: Info/History
Easter Sunday Wishes From Nexus Radio

Catch the Show tonight from 8PM GMT (thats usually 4PM EST but i think its 5PM EST as our clocks havent gone forward yet)

So its sunday... and its easter... does that mean i am going to be giving out chocolate eggs? No... I'll probably be making a mockery of the day that seems to have no relevence to any of its religious significance.. and once i have done that I will probably make a mokery of the religions too.. you know how it goes. :lol:

I'm actually looking for any clips of comedians talking about Easter, so if you have any feel free to send them in to me.

Seeing as the Live AutoRequest Feature is so popular I think we might rename the Sunday mix n Mash the Sunday Request show and were going to stick with that for a while.. hey if people like the fact that 90% of the music all night is chosen by them then who am I to stop them?

To request something from myself when live then go to http://www.nexusradio.co.uk - click wizard sleeve in the top right hand corner and then click requests under the image of wizard sleeve. Alternativly just click this link: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/samPHPweb/playlist.php - from there there, you can see a list of ALL of my tracks on my HD (though i do have more, but i haven't burned all my CD's on to my computer...) - Don't see your tracks up there? Then send them via email to wizardsleeve@nexusradio.co.uk (be sure to include what genre the track is, and what OMD you use most so i can file your track for ease and promote you better - Also make sure the track is tagged)

We will also be playing some of the submissions from SONG OF THE YEAR 2008 - Please read the following post: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?id=996

And I will be trying out an Interview on TEAMSPEAK to see if we can get live interviews going so they are not the usual pre-records, Matty has kindly volouteered, he doesn't know he has, but he has haha.

If you don't know what teamspeak is.. read this post: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=9991#p9991

It will enable you to talk live with us on our shows.

Also feel free to Join us in our CHAT: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/chat.php but you will have to sign up to our FORUM: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/forum/forum.php to be able to enter the chat. Please make at least one Forum post as we delete inactive accounts every few months.

Catch the Show tonight from 8PM GMT (thats usually 4PM EST but i think its 5PM EST as our clocks havent gone forward yet)

Dial Up:
Email: WizardSleeve@nexusradio.co.uk - it may require verification for you to email me, if you get an email back from spam arrest saying follow these steps, please do
Site: http://www.nexuradio.co.uk
Personal: http://wizardsleeve.nexusradio.co.uk
Schedual: http://www.nexusradio.co.uk/schedual.html
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/nexusradio


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