Wizard Sleeve
Wizard Sleeve

Its Just another Sunday

user image 2008-05-03
By: Wizard Sleeve
Posted in: Info/History

Hey folks, I know i am late with the message this week but this is the first oppourtunity i've had to actually post the message today so here goes. I've only had 4 hours sleep and been working all day, i am completly out of fuel so i am running on pure alcohol tonight, so sorry in advance for any slurring or mispronounciation of words n burbles.

Mark Cloutier was kind enough to send on over his latest CD - 6 Strings of Passion - So that will be getting a spin tonight on nexus for sure!! - If you like the cd you can check the label out at http://www.cdbaby.com/markcloutier and marks personal myspace page at http://www.myspace.com/markcloutier - ALSO we hope to have an interview done with him over the next few weeks so keep your eyes on the news posts around the forums!!!! Be warned there was no CD sent to the CDDB so I submitted one myself from the songs etc on the cover, if something is wrong i do apologise.

Other than that its pretty much a TOTAL REQUEST NIGHT tonight! See you all there from 8PM GMT (3PM EST) till about Midnight, maybe later.

Email: WizardSleeve@nexusradio.co.uk
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05/05/08 10:25:44AM @mark-cloutier:
thanx again wiz!!! i missed it do to family things---hope it went great !!! cheers!


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