01/12/09 11:26:55AM @chris-mahon:
Nice piece, with a haunting edge. Vocals fit the feel very well. Nice recurring industrial(ish) interlude, very reminiscent of Kate Bush. Minimalist and very interesting. Well done.
<span class="epktxt">ranging from soft innocent whimpers to slurred groans and murmurs, the voice of singer/pianist/songwriter carolin seitz embodies a whole array of quirky characters, some of which seem conjured up from sub- or superhuman spheres. Vibrant piano backings trace their steps and weave winding paths as they are released into realms of experience simultaneously as vast and microcosmic as the soundscapes bulit to surround them. <br />producer/remixer kostia rapoport paints these stunning backdrops with bold sonic strokes and delicate dabbles of percussion. He draws on numerous sources of sound (prepared piano samples, distorted strings, analogue synths, abused toy tape recorders, etc.), adding definition and hue to carolin’s performances which had previously been exclusively acoustic.<br />carolin and kostia joined forces when they met at hanover music and drama college (germany). Both misfits in their courses – carolin refusing to scat sing and play overused jazz standards, kostia exploiting contemporary composition to enrich his personal mixing style – they set out to explore the fringes of electro pop and experimental contemporary music and create new bonds between them.<br /><br /></span> <!-- Start of HubSpot Logging Code -->THE ROBOTS ARE AMONG US! THEY HAVE THE ABILITY TO BE IN AN INFINITE NUMBER OF PLACES SIMULTANEOUSLY! SO PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU HAVE FOUND ONE! var hs_portalid=11450; var hs_salog_version = "2.00"; var hs_ppa = "sonicbids.hubspot.com" document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + document.location.protocol + "//" + hs_ppa + "/salog.js.aspx' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); <span><img src="http://sonicbids.hubspot.com/salog.aspx?p=11450&g=420d3478884384396066255cd0545dc9&n=0&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sonicbids.com%2Fepk%2Fepk_left.asp%3Fepk_id%3D142232%26poll_id%3D%26skin_id%3D%26submission_id%3D&r=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sonicbids.com%2Fepk%2Fepk.asp%3Fepk_id%3D142232&t=Zweiseitz%20-%20Sonicbids%20EPK" border="0" alt="" width="0" height="0" /></span><!-- End of HubSpot Logging Code --><!-- Advertiser 'Sonicbids', Include user in segment 'General Audience Remarketing' - DO NOT MODIFY THIS PIXEL IN ANY WAY --> <img src="http://ads.bluelithium.com/pixel?id=284938&t=2" alt="" width="1" height="1" /><br /><span class="epktxt"><br /></span>
Nice piece, with a haunting edge. Vocals fit the feel very well. Nice recurring industrial(ish) interlude, very reminiscent of Kate Bush. Minimalist and very interesting. Well done.
Absolutely fascinating and inventive as all your tunes. ftlpope