
Ready for You - Justin Jones - Bilbozo - Rob Grant - Buddrumming

album: Buddrumming Mixposure Collabs
genre: Rock
streams: 127
creation date: 2013-10-01

  Song Information
Ready for You - Justin Jones - vocals - guitars - keys - Bilbozo - guitars - Rob Grant - bass - Buddrumming - Drums & percussion A little tribute for...
Ready for You - Justin Jones - Bilbozo - Rob Grant - Buddrumming
Farrell Jackson
10/07/13 10:59:38AM @farrell-jackson:
A great resurrection of this toon Bud! Yes Justin was a very good musician and very entertaining DJ at Mix. I miss the guy....is he still playing? Rob Grant is a fantastic bassist....he was the bassman for Rayon Vert. Your drums are rockin' and thanks for keeping this rocker alive Bud!


10/03/13 08:28:14PM @josephrodz:
We miss Justin as a Dj,he kikazz in music and djing.
Thats a true rocker song and collab,keep rockin' the world!

10/03/13 06:12:20PM @scotswolfe:
For a old song it has aged well Bud.Still sounds fresh...but then it has the life support of a fantastic group of musicians.Bravo...rock on!


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