Southern Raiders Band
Southern Raiders Band

RODEO STAR - Southern Raiders Band

Category: Music
Duration: 00:04:20
Hello and welcome to another Southern Raider Band performance, this one on the local television station. The father- (Lead Guitar) & son- (Drums) team of the Southern Raiders Band presenting some vintage memory video footage of the group. We had performed several events with the station and were happy to have another opportunity to perform to our fans through this venue again. We hope you enjoy some vintage, very early SRB before we had to go to our lead singer we have now.

Although we hated to lose Ronnie due to circumstances beyond our control, he actually hand picked, Lee, his replacement and Lee has worked out perfectly ever since. Ronnie you are a true friend and musician and we love you and our hearts will always be with you, God bless.

On to the video, the group is always trying to have fun at playing, but as always there can be unforeseen issues lurking and as pointed out to us about this particular video, but everything is OK. But I will mention this one, If you watch closely at the end of the song, as the news caster walks by Rus, the guitarist on the right in the red shirt,(ThE ReAl mean little feller) without speaking to him, somewhat agitates this southern rock icon slide guitar player, and you will see the bass player tell him, politely, to calm down as Rus pivots back and forth on his feet in his anger about not being spoken to, this is some of the stuff a person has to deal with when working with someone with the stature of Rus who is probably in the top 5 or 6 in slide guitar talent in overall southern music. Although short in statue, he can become rather volatile and lot of people even call him the," Russonator," due to his aggressive behavior. But overall the show goes great and everyone is happy. The Southern Raiders have the ability to perform in the Rock and Country arenas equally due to the versatility this group has through the members and we are very thankful to have this ability. So whether it's Tim McGraw, Marshall Tucker, Sawyer Brown, Three Dog Night and even Herman's Hermit and many more that we've performed with, we will do any concerts that will put the group in front of you, the fans. After all, that's what we live to do. So thank you so much for making our dream come true. So if you like this tune or would like a complete SRB album(s) or info about the group you can check out the links below. Thank you so much for checking us out and we do appreciate your time and every single person (fan) means a lot to us as we try to advance in this difficult market.

Please see more about Southern Raiders Band music at these links. Thanks and have a great day, SRB.

Southern Raiders Band


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