3 Quarters Dead
3 Quarters Dead

3 Quarters Dead/The Writing Process

user image 2011-02-22
By: 3quartersdead
Posted in:

<p>Greetings to all those in the land of the nearly deceased. Ha. In the past few months we have been grinding out songs for our next effort,which will probably be titled "The Cycle of Dust". We have nearly 10 new songs completed with 1 you will more than likely recognize. We start the recording process with Kenny recording drums on March 26th.The rest of the record will be tracked April 3rd -13th with a "hopeful" release date in the Summer. We will have a few "recognizable" names on this one. I will not disclose them right now. (sorry),but longtime 3QD fans should not be dissapointed. We have a good mix of songs ranging from melodic to "ball out" thrash. In the style ONLY 3QD can <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vZGVsaXZlci5oYQ==" target="_blank">deliver.ha</a>. Just thought i would let all the fans know what is in store for the future and not leave everyone hanging. In the meantime BE SURE TO REQUEST US ON ALL THE Internet/COLLEGE RADIO LINKS WE SEND OUT! DEMAND SOME 3QD!!!!&nbsp; <br /><br />Mark,3QD</p>


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