Category: Software
<p>You can take that title anyway you like lol.</p><p>What a damn night with FL Studio! To be fair, it wasn't exactly the DAW that was giving me a case of PMT (Pre-Mastering Ticks!), although one snare refused to behave and kept sneaking up front like it was weilding an ax. No, it was an imported Vst from, I know, a damn good creator of them, DSK.</p><p>Synthtopia 2 is sweet, gentle and easy to program. Oh sir, it's beautiful, its also a memory sucking vampiric ****! Never had any problems with their other juicey materials such as Choirz, Guitarz etc. FL is an iron horse when it comes to adding on bobbles to it's dreadlocks, but once in a while it either gets lazy or jealous that you're ignoring Sytrus ands goes off on a hissy fit and refuses to talk to you.</p><p>Its favorite trick is to not switch off! Ram a Vst in there it's not best friends with and no matter how many times you hit the little X the music keeps on playing and FL welds itself onto your desktop like a horny leech trying to give ya a hickey!!</p><p>I will put my hand up and say DSK's Darkness Theory pad also gave FL the spit and bubbles until I figured out turning the sound down on the pad calmed Studio down a little.</p><p>Whether it's the PC, FL, or a VST who knows, but all the hair pulling, beard stroking, eye-watering, desktop thumping, mouse bashing, cat kicking events that go on....damn it's worth it!</p>