

user image 2008-06-17
By: Ab1
Posted in: INFO..

<p>well even though I'm a life-long lakers fan i was hopin to see KG get his ring and now i've become a celtics fan.. it's closer to switzerland geographically anyway so it's now "home team".. lol.. and the celticsdid it last night in grand fashion becoming NBA CHAMPIONS.. go CELTICS!!! congrats celtics esp. kevin.. paul.. and ray... oh.. and by the way..</p>
<p>we are unplugging our puters and making the final move to the alps so I may not be able to review all you wonderful friends and muisicnas for a while.. depends on if we get a new IP and i got to figure out that difficult techy stuff.. lol.. seen you all soon and keep the hits coming.. please don't forget to read margot's blog about the dying of the bees.. the human race soon on it's knees.. and write a song about it if you please..</p>
<p>jose aka formerly rapster.. lol..</p>

06/19/08 02:43:40AM @ab1:
WOW.. thanks friends.. much appreciated.. guess i overdid the statement that it might be awhile get back online.. lol..
we're here now in the alps (much love from margot) and I got the connection to work by only going to the LAN settings and
clicked on detect automatic settings and it worked.. so nice to be back "home" here with you all.. now i got to set up
margot's computer and you'll get reviews and love from us both again.. cheers.. :-)

06/18/08 03:48:17PM @mark-cloutier:
and most importantly have a great safe move!
Luca Wulf
06/18/08 12:05:02PM @huge-artist:
Travel safe guys.
Best wishes for your new home


06/18/08 05:27:13AM @shane:
Hi Joey

Thanks for your blog- its great to hear you guys are almost fully relocated to your house in the Alps. It sounds beautiful- and , sounds lovely compared to living in a polluted busy city . !!!

all the best ,,, shane

06/18/08 07:23:23AM @gabriel-sabadi:
Have a safe and smooth move Joe. The Alps sound stunning!!!!! Hurry back.
06/18/08 08:48:23AM @mark-cloutier:
im a big celtic fan--congrats--was able to watch the game and also play blues at the famous dinosaur bbq in syracuse--too cool!!!!!


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