adam bailie
adam bailie
adam bailie


album: Fire on the Beach
genre: Blues
streams: 1,051
creation date: 2017-02-02
purchase: wav, 63.9MB, 00:04:13
  Song Information
Written by A.Bae Electric Guitar by Gordon Cole Flute by Jill Russell  Bass by Jeff Child Choir by Matthew Bailie, Locklin Troy, Jeff Child, Sunny Sonja,...
08/20/17 12:21:28PM @mach:

03/27/17 06:08:30PM @red-sheppen:
Loving the blues like this....nice one and the vocals are very bluesy and quirky
Thanks and congrats this being up at number one on the charts

• Henderson & Hemmerling
03/26/17 12:31:56PM @henderson-hemmerling:
Great tune! Love that short, high pitched 'sing' inserted into the chorus.
Barefoot Music
03/02/17 03:00:35PM @barefoot-music-group:
Digging everything about this tune Adam! The vocals, the wordsmithing, the groove...even the title.
Can I just ask one thing? MORE please!!

02/11/17 04:08:53AM @vig-wig:
Sounds like beach blues, I can almost watch my glasses fogging up with sea-spray.
adam bae
02/11/17 03:35:17AM @adambailie:
thanks so much everyone. I'm honoured
Grizzly Dave
02/09/17 04:14:19PM @grizzly-dave:
Great stuff Adam...
02/05/17 12:38:32AM @steve-bramer:
I love the feel of this. Very blue. But a very contemporary take on a traditional feel. I really like the way you've got one foot in tradition and the other in the now. The ambience is perfect and your voice is like a conversation with your favorite wise neighbor. Beautifully done.
02/03/17 07:21:46AM @ronbowes:
Heard this on mixstream radio yesterday. Excellent slice of blues. Great voice.


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