Anthony Tullo
Anthony Tullo
Anthony Tullo


album: Switching Tracks
genre: country-rock
streams: 39
creation date: 2018-04-12
purchase: mp3, 7.9MB, 00:03:26
carol sue
06/24/18 01:01:49PM @carol-sue:
Of greatness right here. ;)

Bobby G
04/14/18 09:31:49AM @bobby-g:
great song here be playing it on our show welcome to the mixradio Bobby G AKS Bubba Reaves
04/13/18 03:45:05PM @tlt50:
Superb country rocker. Stellar musical skills throughout, and the songwriting and vocals are awesome The production is pristine and oh so fine. Another fantastic track from you. ***** :)

Larry T


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