bf baker
Song Lyrics
I don't know whenMy little boy changed into himNow he's just a freakSo stiff and cold, he doesn't speak
Don't you look into his eyes'Cos before you...
Song Information
This was written and recorded as an entry at songfight.org. Songfight is a recording artist community where artists take a given song title each "week" and...
Funny, funny stuff! Loved the entire groove. How's this tune going over with the family? I wrote a piece once, Getaway for Christmas, about taking off - just the wife and I. My daughter didn't see the humor in it!!!
A real trip back in time...and pretty damn cool. Great track Bryan, very fun and well done. ~Blake
This song is WAY groovy. I love it. People don't write like this anymore. (which is a shame) Nicely produced as well. Could totally be a hit song. Love everything about it.
Hi Bryan...
Very cool 60's sound. The dissonant organ is perfect...it gives the track that "horror movie" quality. You and Road Apples ought to get together...he loves this monster stuff! KEWL TRACK.
Hugs...Mike (NAV)
Hey Bryan, it's really great to see you posting more of your music! This one here has definitely a 60's feel to it, a bit of Surf Rock (almost Garage Rock, really), I'd say! The lyrics are great, so are the vocals! Man, you're kicking those tunes out left and right. Glad you are. Need to remind myself to grab this one for one of my upcoming shows. Reviewing some stuff while at work, so downloading at this time isn't an option! LOL! Anyway, cool stuff!
Don't know why, but this SETS me on F'AR... takes me WAY BACK to the early '60's, man! If anything, it was ME who was the "zombie son", which is prolly why it strikes such accord in thee cockles o' me' heart. Gets a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED from me, man!
Bryan, I''m sure I'm not the only one who can identify with the lyrical component of this track. Been there, done that as they say. Great fun in the concept and the lyrics. Lovely nostalgic 60s pop sound, even down to the Farfisa which is a great touch. Really enjoyed this track. Great work.
AWESOME CLASSIC SOUND!!! and I LOVE the FARFISA!!! KIDS!!! SHEEESH!!! My daughter wasn't a zombie, just a PLAIN WILD MONSTER!!!! GREAT TRACK, BF!!!