
Remember Me ( Recuerdame ) Guitar Instrumental

album: Hidden Missions
genre: Latin Rock
streams: 218
creation date: 2011-04-08

  Song Information
Wow ! It's been a while since I did something since I had bummed up my shoulder last month.Remember Me ( Recuerdame ) is a latin guitar rock instrumental...
Remember Me ( Recuerdame ) Guitar Instrumental
04/08/11 04:21:21PM @bri-an:
...bill, if your going to play this fine after a shoulder injury, you might wanna to...aww, never, a pleasure to listen to this musical creation, instumental= bilbozo.
Farrell Jackson
04/08/11 06:51:41PM @farrell-jackson:
A fantastic piece of music Bill! Your playing sounds like you're well into the mending and healing process. I attended my 80 year uncle's funeral today and will attend one for my good friend's 85 year old mother tomorrow. So thanks for this very timely's sets me in a better mood. Excellent song and playing!


04/09/11 05:17:36PM @cooter:

This is a mighty fine piece of music, Sir Bill. Loved every moment of it. You claim a bum shoulder, but what you have done here makes me wonder about that. :-)

Love it, good sir.


04/13/11 06:13:43PM @jusananomaly:
Oh most excellent musicship. Bill I always enjoy your music and the power behind it. Great job on this. Downloaded for sure. AJ
04/09/11 08:41:46AM @mike-kohlgraf:
What else can I add other than, this will be on my show tonight, my friend! Superb work!!!

04/09/11 09:44:55PM @tlt50:
Am...I repeating myself..? Dang....I thought I was better...LOL...:))))\

04/09/11 09:43:38PM @tlt50:
Bro zo.......hell yeah.....!! As all ways...***** !! friend !!!!

04/08/11 07:11:04PM @buddrumming:
Yep... Hey Bill ... a rockin little tune... love the feel on this one ... love the keys the harmony guitars... keep rockin my friend.... :)Bud
Mista Perez
04/08/11 11:47:09AM @mista-perez:
What a beautiful instrumental. This is played from the heart. I can almost hear the guitar saying "recuerdame". Reminds me of puerto Rico as a child just enjoying the wind, ocean, and sun. Excellent job on this one mi amigo.
04/08/11 12:38:01PM @josephrodz:
Sound like you never had a broken shoulder or arm.
you play like ever,dont take as a bad comment but i think you need to brake the other arm too,jajajajaja!
Me alegro mucho que estes de nuevo on the road hermano.

04/10/11 02:28:00PM @gabriel-sabadi:
Absolutely gorgeous piece Bill. Very heartrending and oozing with emotion. Those bends are killer btw ;-)
04/08/11 03:24:56PM @dave-townsend:
Very, very nice. Great falling-asleep music. In fact, I nearly did a faceplant on my keyboard listening to it. That's a compliment, btw :) I always fall asleep when I hear good music - it's why I had to cancel my subscription to the local symphony. Classical concert-goers don't appreciate snoring!

So when I say this piece rates 5 snores, that's high praise!

user image
04/08/11 07:06:42PM @:
Hey Brother Bill...for coming back from injury and to be able to play like this is still remarkable to hear. This is really beautiful and passionate. It is very moving and well produced also. You really have a super gift that is not even hindered even with not being able to play for some weeks. You haven't lost a step at all. This is terrific and you should be proud. I know it has to feel good to get back in the saddle and do your thing. This is how you do it. Well done!
04/10/11 09:50:30PM @dazed:
Great job on the tune Bill. Exceptional emotion in here and just brilliant playing. Love the distorted solos. Kind of reminds me of some Ritchie Blackmore melodic style!
04/12/11 12:06:56PM @digger-stone:
i love this! not sure if that is a nylone string or not but it don't matter it is just great. and the way you go from that to the intence ele lead guitar is stellar!

this is a great piece of music, well done as allways!


04/09/11 09:43:28PM @tlt50:
Bro zo.......hell yeah.....!! As all ways...***** !! friend !!!!


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